You are able to get last read page, contents, bookmarks, and other basic tools Kindle can provides. Nook interface introduce: there are three main parts in Nook Kindle reader on PC, which are the daily, my library and reading now.
The interface is simple but useful enough, for basic Kindle reading as real Kindle tablets do. Nook has released the desktop eBook readers, for people to open Kindle on PC, including EPUB eBooks as well.
And you can organize Kindle eBooks through tags Calibre offers. Organize eBooks from Kindle for PC and Mac: the Send to device, library, device and send to disk options enable users to manage all Kindle files on Windows and Mac computer easily. But only DRM-free eBooks available here on the Kindle for further reading. CalibreĬaliber is the free Kindle for PC and Mac software, to organize Kindle eBooks and change Kindle file formats and edit metadata. And you can use them not only as eBook reader, but also eBook manager to sort out Kindle eBooks and store as Kindle library. Most followings support reading Kindle for PC and Mac simultaneously. Part 1: Kindle for PC and Mac Alternatives – to Read Kindle Books on Non-Kindle Devices